How to Attract High Ticket Clients

Selling high ticket offers can bring up some fears and insecurities. In this podcast, I delve into how you can overcome these challenges and attract high ticket clients.

“Initially, when you increase price, people will put their opinions on you and that’s fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, You don’t need to take it on as a bible.”

When you’re creating a high-end package, it will, without a doubt, upset some people. Maybe even your previous clients or current clients. But, that’s okay. You can always find new clients and even a new audience if your current audience isn’t a fit for your new offer.

“At the end of the day, you need to be happy with what you’re charging. You need to feel good about the price point that you have, and that you can deliver on the services that you’re promising. At the end of the day if people choose to work with you, and invest to work with you, spend their money, that’s on them.”

In order to attract high ticket clients, you need to help the client step into their BIG vision for their life. What’s their background, and where they want to see themselves in the future. I give you an example of my ideal client during the podcast and how I connect with my ideal clients.

“You current clients and audience may not be the clients who are gonna spend 100K to work with you. And that’s okay as well.  You can get a new audience. “

I also give you a brief rundown of the questions I ask on my application form. Remember! Not everyone is your ideal client. Therefore, you need to be transparent. If you feel you can’t help someone do not work with them.

“If somebody has 10M in their bank account, a 100K isn’t a big investment for them”

Finally, if you want to attract high ticket clients, know where they hang out online and in real life. I reveal one particular social platform that has really helped me attract ideal clients. In real life, you can get help from friends and family who may have access to your ideal client. Just get creative, and don’t be traditional.

Listen in to another quick episode of “100K Coaching Offers Podcast” that will surely help you attract more ideal clients.


[01:28] Charging less can deter your ideal clients

[07:50] But, what about my current clients?

[09:56] How to attract a 100K clients?


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