Monetize Your Expertise In 3 Easy Steps

Mozetizing your expertise online has never been easier.

Not long ago, building a website cost thousands of dollars. Monetizing it was nearly impossible. And creating your own online course? Unheard of! 

Today, monetizing your expertise isn’t just easy, it can be a joyful experience too! 

I’ve helped thousands of influencers and entrepreneurs monetize their expertise with online masterclasses, courses, and digital products, as well as high-end coaching and consulting. 

But, can you really make good money this way?

The answer is a resounding YES! Here’s why:

Your Expertise Is Valuable…If It’s Priced Right

You’ve spent time, money and energy developing skills and knowledge in one area. That makes you an expert! And a lot of people are looking for your help. Even if there are countless competitors offering the same products or services, there’s no one who does it exactly the same way you do. 

Monetization also adds value to what you’re offering. While some people might say, “charging money for your help is selfish,” the truth is, people don’t value free stuff.

Don’t believe me? How many free ebooks are collecting virtual dust on your hard drive? 

When consumers don’t invest, they don’t value. And since they have nothing invested, they get nothing out of it, which undermines your impact. So, by monetizing, you’re not just growing your wealth, you’re helping more people get great results. It’s a win-win.

Take my client, Carly. By monetizing her expertise, she booked $60,000 in sales with dream clients and had her first 6-figure year!

On board, but not sure how to get started? Here’s how you can monetize your expertise like Carly:

1. What Do You Want To Be Known For?

Whether you’re an expert in cats, knitting, photography, fashion, Italian food or something else, there are tons of different areas to focus on within your expertise. 

For example: If you’re a Parenting Coach, do you want to help parents get through the terrible twos? Help new moms with breastfeeding? Or help single dads connect with their kids after divorce? The possibilities are endless! 


Dialing down and getting granular within your area of expertise is critical to success. When it comes to the internet, people want specific help for a specific problem. The better you are at solving that specific problem, the more sales and impact you’ll have. 

So, what do you want to be known for? Figure it out and you’re on your way!

2. Which business model is best for YOU?

There are countless ways to monetize your expertise. With my clients, we look at 2 distinct areas that offer different benefits: 

  • Evergreen online offers that serve the masses like: masterclasses, courses, ebooks and/or digital products
  • Benefits: Once created, you can help thousands of people with the same online product for years by sending traffic to it
  • High-ticket coaching or consulting offers that serve a small, hand-selected group of clients
  • Benefits: You get to charge MUCH higher fees to do deeper, more rewarding work with fewer people

So, get clear on which business model works for you: a one-to-many approach?  One-to-one? Both? The answer to that question will lead you to the very best business model for growing and scaling your business to 6-figures and beyond.

3. Break Down Your Expertise So It’s Easy For The Consumer To Understand

Nothing turns a consumer off more than confusion after buying a product/service. Avoid this blunder by starting at the end and working backwards. 

For example: if you’re a health coach who helps women with hormone imbalances lose weight, you know what your consumer’s ideal results are: shedding the pounds! From there, lay out all the learnings needed for your consumer to achieve that transformation. 

Once you’ve worked everything out, it’s time to find the right platform for your online offer. If it’s a course, you might consider Kajabi. If it’s a digital product you might want to use ClickFunnels. There are plenty of options that make the process a cinch!

Don’t Think You Can Do This Yourself?

Reach out to me! This is exactly what I do. I help leading influencers and entrepreneurs monetize their expertise with premium online offers that are authentic, high-end and absolutely gorgeous. My team and I take the entire process off your plate so it’s easy, stress-free…and fun!

Simply hit the button below to schedule a call with me and we’ll have a chat to discuss your expertise, your goals and the very best premium offers we can create and launch on your behalf. 

 I can’t wait to see your business breakthrough!